
A selection of my papers and presentations; emphasis on K-8 computing education since 2018. Some of my faves are highlighted.

Research | Teacher PD | Old stuff


These are my exploration of “sensemaking” (or “ambitious”) pedagogy, through my master’s program at McGill University and connections I make in the research community. In my own work I borrow elements that are well established in k-12 math education, and see how they can be used productively with k-12 coding.

Michael Deutsch. 2023. Applying the Mathematical Task Framework to K-8 computing. In The 18th WiPSCE Conference on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research (WiPSCE ’23), September 27–29, 2023, Cambridge, United Kingdom. ACM, New York, NY, USA 2 Pages. [PDF short paper | PDF poster]

Lauren Margulieux, Paul Denny, Kathryn Cunningham, Michael Deutsch, and Benjamin R. Shapiro. 2021. When Wrong is Right: The Instructional Power of Multiple Conceptions. Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 184–197. DOI:

Deutsch, M. (2023, May). TIPP&SEE for EquityHello World, (21), 18.

Deutsch, M. (2020, January). Task and talk: Borrowing from mathematics education for K-8 computing. Poster presented at Fields Institute MathEd Research Day 2020, Toronto, ON. [PDF poster]

Deutsch, M. (2019, August). Task + Talk: A pedagogical model adapted for K-8 CS. Lightning talk presented at ACM International Computing Education Research (ICER) conference, Toronto, ON. [PDF slides]

Deutsch, M. (2019, June). Talk to learn math, talk to learn coding. Lecture presented at Mathematics and its Connections to the Arts and Sciences (MACAS) conference, Montreal, QC. [PDF slides]

Professional development with teachers:

These are where I’ve applied “sensemaking” to professional development with K-12 math and computing teachers. I’ve explored instructional routines (Notice & Wonder, Slow Reveal Graphs, and more) and created new coding activities that build in a sensemaking style. Highlights: repeat appearances at CSTA and OAME annual conferences.

Deutsch, M. (2024, May). Sensemaking routines for coding class. Workshop presented at Ontario Association for Mathematics Educators (OAME) annual conference, Kingston, ON.
[Presentation slides (PDF)] [Same But Different slides] [Slow Reveal Code slides] [Scratch studio]
* The debut of Slow Reveal Scratch Code!

Deutsch, M. (2023, July). Data insights & fun with slow reveal graphs . Workshop presented at Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) annual conference, virtual. Developed for Digital Moment/Kids Code Jeunesse.

Deutsch, M. (2022, July). Sensemaking in CS. Workshop presented at Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) annual conference, Chicago, IL. Developed for Digital Moment/Kids Code Jeunesse.
* Where Pedagogy Karaoke was born!

Deutsch, M. (2022, July). Video review in a teaching team (v2). Workshop presented at Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) annual conference, Chicago, IL. Developed for Digital Moment/Kids Code Jeunesse. [PDF slides]

Deutsch, M. (2022, May). Video review in a teaching team. Workshop presented at Ontario Association for Mathematics Educators (OAME) annual conference, virtual.

Deutsch, M. (2022, February). Math manipulatives: a micro:bit method (v4). Workshop presented at CSTA CS Across the Curriculum Summit, virtual. Developed for Digital Moment/Kids Code Jeunesse. [PDF slides]

Raspberry Pi Foundation: Culturally relevant and responsive computing in the classroom: A guide for curriculum design and teaching (Spring 2021). Acted as Digital Moment/Kids Code Jeunesse in a project. (Member of the Working Group, representing Digital Moment/Kids Code Jeunesse) [project site |PDF report]

Kids Code Jeunesse Summer Institute (2021, August).

Deutsch, M. (2021, August). Sense-making in high school CS. Workshop presented at Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) annual conference, virtual.

Deutsch, M. (2021, August). Math manipulatives: a micro:bit method (v4). Workshop presented at Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) annual conference, virtual.

Deutsch, M. (2020, August). “What’s happening here?” A sense-making approach to coding. Workshop presented at Educational Computing Organization of Ontario (ECOO) ECOOcamp, virtual.

Deutsch, M. (2020, August). “What’s happening here?” Comprehend before you build. Workshop presented at the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (CEMC) conference, virtual.

Deutsch, M. (2020, May). Math by way of micro:bits (v2). Workshop presented at Ontario Association for Mathematics Educators (OAME) conference, virtual.

Deutsch, M. (2020, February). Scaffolding by understanding a working demo. Workshop presented at the Association of Computer Science Educators (ACSE) annual conference, Markham, ON.

Deutsch, M., & McDonald, A. (2019, May). Math by way of micro:bits. Workshop presented at Ontario Association for Mathematics Educators (OAME) conference, Ottawa, ON.

Deutsch, M. (2018, November). Micro:bits to animate your other curricula. Workshop presented at Collaborate, Create, Innovate (CCI) conference, Montreal, QC.

Deutsch, M. (2018, August). Micro:bits to animate your other curricula. Workshop presented at Ontario Teacher Federation (OTF) Pedagogy Before Technology (PB4T) conference, Markham, ON.

Old stuff:

Presentations, posters, and guest lectures out of my work at McGill University: Learning Management Systems (LMS), Enterprise Student Information Systems (SIS), and Business Intelligence (BI)/Analytics.

Intro to BI and Analytics & Data Visualization, guest lectures at McGill Desautels Faculty of Management, 2011-13.

Agile BI Development. Presentation at Higher Ed Data Warehousing Forum (HEDW) 2009, Bloomington, IN.

Transforming the Matrix: Achieving Better Focus and Insight in LMS Selection. Co-author with Anthony C. Masi, Laura R. Winer, & Adam B. A. Finkelstein. Presented by colleagues at EDUCAUSE 2006, Dallas, TX.

LMS Analytics: My LMS gets 2m hits a day… Now what? Co-author with Anthony C. Masi, Laura R. Winer, & Adam B. A. Finkelstein. Presented by colleagues at EDUCAUSE 2005, Orlando, FL.

Real-time LMS integration: Now a must-have. Co-author with Laura R. Winer & Adam B. A. Finkelstein. Poster presented by colleagues at EDUCAUSE 2004, Denver, CO.

Improving your LMS integration. Co-author with Bogdan Negoita. Presentation at Canadian Banner Users Conference 2004.