I keep telling myself that editor is a role I want to play. I don’t want to be the writer — I’ll leave that to you — but I am happy to help shape, re-focus, make your writing better.
And I think I’m good at that. I know I’ve had a real impact helping classmates and colleagues improve their writing and presentations.
But why does editing feel so draining?
It feels, often, like I’m doing the thinking for them.
I hand back the text with small edits here & there, but the greater impact comes (in my own head, anyway) from the long comments I leave where I am questioning their aim, or pointing out lack of cohesion, or other large issues like that.
I do think I’m good at it — at least, this is the kind of feedback I know I value when others edit me — but it’s so energy-consuming.
Does editing just feel like this?
Hi Michael,
Just enjoyed conversation with you Saturday the 25th
if you see this please send me a pdf of your exciting poster.
Nice to see your comments here.
is your email [~~~]?
Itamar, thanks for coming here! It was great talking to you at the Fields Institute. I’ll say hello directly…